The New Year begins under the sign of creativity and dynamism.

Message to our students

The New Year begins under the sign of creativity and dynamism.

Message to our students

For many the New Year begins under the threat of the economic crisis. With this brief message I would like to send a message to our students in the schools of fashion, photography and design and to all those who work and study in the field of applied arts, urging them to look at this difficult moment from a different point of view.

The invitation is to begin this New Year with a positive idea: the crisis is not eternal. This is a certainty, thus we can begin with this concept. The crisis will certainly be overcome, but it will take creativity and dynamism. It is the message that our school would like to propose as a moment of reflection for the beginning of 2012.

This is the moment to rev up our engines, ready for the starting gun to be able to face tomorrow in pole position. In particular we need to aim at designing high quality products, which is what the consumer wants today. Design schools can certainly give their contribution, aiming at quality, research and innovation.
This is what we have always done at our school and that which we propose this year with ever more strength and determination.

Vincenzo Giubba
President, Accademia Italiana


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