Italian Bachelor degree or European Bachelor?
or both...

or both...
Accademia Italiana, with headquarters both in Florence and Rome, has been authorized by the M.U.R. (Ministry of Education, University and Research) for the award of academic diplomas that have full legal validity and are equivalent to first level degrees (180 Academic Credits) and Master’s Degrees (120 Academic Credits) according to current regulations. Accademia Italiana has received accreditation in Italy from the Ministry of University and Research, in accordance with the standards of the European Higher Education Area; its courses grant students academic credits (CFA - Academic Credits) compatible with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), recognized as valid for continuing studies at other academies or universities both in Italy and abroad.
The Bachelor Courses at Accademia Italiana are based on 3 years and allow you to earn 180 credits, are aimed at all those who want to pursue a career in the field of applied arts. The Specialization Courses take place over 2 years and lead to the achievement of 120 credits, are based on a professional approach, which puts students in relationship with the main companies in the industry.
For the first academic cycle Accademia Italiana offers:
- Three-year academic courses accredited by the MUR (Ministry of Universities and Research, AFAM section)
For the continuation of studies in the second academic cycle, that of the specialized two year courses, Accademia Italiana is one of the very few private academies in Italy authorized to offer:
- Courses of study accredited by the MUR (Ministry of Universities and Research)
You will find more details below but should you need more information about your options, please contact us.
Bachelor's and Master's degree programs
State-accredited by Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR)
Accademia Italiana three-year programs accredited by the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MUR - Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca) award a "First cycle Academic Degree" (Diploma accademico di I livello) after three years of study.
Students applying to the Bachelor’s degree program accredited by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) must complete an admission procedure. The admission procedure consists in submitting:
- a motivational interview online or on-campus;
- evaluation of a portfolio of creative projects. The digital portfolio should include a minimum of 5 original and personal artworks made by the candidate (such as hand-drawings, photographs, paintings, etc.) (Recommended).
Documents to submit for the entrance exam duly filled application form for the entrance exam:
- digital copy of a valid document (passport for international students);
- scanned copy of previously earned diploma, or of certificate issued by school offices attesting that the student is attending the last year of high school;
- motivational letter;
- portfolio of works (as described above);
International applicants (EU and extra-EU): in order to enroll into a state-accredited Bachelor or Master program offered by Accademia Italiana, International candidates who studied abroad will be requested to provide Accademia Italiana with the "Dichiarazione di Valore in loco" issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representative (Embassy or Consulate) in their home countries, or share a certificate issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC center (CIMEA).
International applicants (extra-EU only) needing a student visa to join their undergraduate or postgraduate Degree program in Accademia Italiana must make a formal pre-application for the student visa through the UNIVERSITALY pre-registration system, which is the first step toward enrollment. Documents to submit to finalize enrollment after receiving the results of the entrance exam:
- duly filled Enrollment Contract for the chosen program (shared by the Admissions Office);
- receipt for the chosen program Enrollment Fee.
Students applying to the Master's Degree program accredited in Italy must own a Bachelor's degree from an Italian or Foreign accredited University or Art Academy. After providing all requested documents, applicants' profiles will be evaluated through:
- a motivational online interview to understand motivations and goals;
- the evaluation of the applicant's background studies, knowledge, skills and experience through the analysis of the documents provided, including a portfolio of works at a semi-professional level.
Documents to submit for the entrance exam
- digital copy of a valid document (passport for international students);
- scan copy of previously earned Bachelor's degree diploma;
- full transcripts of undergraduates studies and, when available, syllabi of courses attended;
- motivational letter and Curriculum Vitae; portfolio of original and personal works (at a professional level).
International applicants (EU and extra-EU): in order to enroll into a state-accredited Master’s program offered by Accademia Italiana, International candidates who studied abroad will be requested to provide the "Dichiarazione di Valore in loco'' issued by the Italian Diplomatic Representative (Embassy or Consulate) in their home countries, or share a certificate issued by the Italian ENIC-NARIC center (CIMEA).
International applicants (extra-EU only) needing a student visa to join their undergraduate or postgraduate Degree program in Accademia Italiana must make a formal pre-application for the student visa through the UNIVERSITALY pre-registration system, which is the first step toward enrollment. Documents to submit to finalize enrollment after receiving the results of the entrance exam:
- duly filled Enrollment Contract for the chosen program (shared by the Admissions Office);
- receipt for the chosen program Enrollment Fee.
For any questions or further information, please contact [email protected].