Accademia participates in the campaign

Accademia participates in the campaign
Posters designed by students in the bachelor’s degree program in Graphic Design promoting the theme of cancer prevention, already displayed at the Cinema La Compagnia, will be shown at Villa delle Rose, Florentine headquarters for Oncological rehabilitation “Ispro-Lilt”, until March 24.
These artistic and evocative posters adorn the halls dedicated to the service: “Woman like before”, that supports women who have undergone surgery for breast cancer. This exhibition was organized for the National Cancer Prevention Week, in its 18th edition, an initiative promoted by LILT nation-wide with the aim of spreading a culture of cancer prevention, educating the population, and youth in particular, about the importance of following a correct lifestyle. This year the attention is focused on the fake news regarding cancer prevention, in particular on the question of diet. Lof
Other courses
Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts