for Study Abroad Students

for Study Abroad Students
Students can take 6 credits (2 classes) from the following courses:
Fashion Illustration (3 credits)
Fashion Design (3 credits or intensive 6 credits)
Fashion Styling (3 credits)
Interior Design (3 credits)
Product Design (3 credits)
Street Photography in Rome (3 credits)
Drawing and Oil Painting (3 credits)
Sketching Rome (3 credits)
Contemporary Art in Rome (3 credits)
Roman Archeological Sites (3 credits)
Italian Culture and Style (3 credits)
Italian Language (3 credits – all levels offered)
Courses are available based on a minimum number of enrolled students and meet from Monday to Thursday, so students will have Fridays off to travel and get to know the city.
Tuition is $3,700 and includes a one-day orientation, one overnight and one day trip.
Housing: Accommodation is €2,520 per student for the summer session.
For additional program information contact: