"For Your Eyes Only"
April 11, 2003 Year end exhibition at Saschall, Lungarno A. Moro, Florence

April 11, 2003 Year end exhibition at Saschall, Lungarno A. Moro, Florence
h. 20,00: Inauguration of the exhibition of students' works in the programs of ART, INTERIOR DESIGN, TEXTILE DESIGN, PHOTOGRAPHY, FASHION DESIGN, WINDOW DISPLAY, GRAPHIC DESIGN
Performance "REFLECTIONS AND TRANSPARENCIES" with the special guest participation of actress Mita Medici
Presentation of the finalists of the international design contest "Echi di Luce"
h. 21,00: FASHION SHOW by the students of the fashion design program - New Trends for the 2004 seasons.
The event will be held to support the activities of the A.N.T. (Italian cancer research fund)