Those who love design love life

It is with this motto that I would like to begin the new academic year, offering my personal welcome to the students who are about to embark on a new journey through studies that will include creativity, new technology and design culture.
I would like to dedicate this slogan, which in part expresses the Accademia Italiana philosophy and feelings about art and design, to those who aim to become designers in the various fields taught by the school.
This motto is dedicated to the new students in the courses of Fashion Design, Interior and Product Design, both at the Florence and the Rome schools; to the new Jewelry Design students beginning the course that has recently been activated at the Rome school; and obviously, to the students of Graphic Design and Photography in Florence. My welcome is also directed to those who will study Costume Design, and to the students of the one and two-year courses of Window Display Design and Drawing and Painting.
I would like to extend my special greeting to those who will spend one or two academic semesters with us, as participants in the Study Abroad in Italy program. I am certain that here at the Accademia Italiana, these students will find the ideal atmosphere to immerse themselves in the study of Italian art, language and culture.
All students will find an international environment at an Institute that is truly active in the field of experimentation and where fashion, design, and photography become communicative instruments with new possibilities of expression, of exploration, of innovative technologies and new languages.
To all our students - to the new ones, and to those whose studies are already well underway - to the professors, the staff and to all who collaborate with us, I wish you all the best at the beginning of this academic year. One that will, I am convinced, produce great satisfaction both on an individual and collective level.
Vincenzo Giubba
President, Accademia Italiana