Seasons Greetings from the President of the Accademia Italiana

for the schools of fashion, art and design in Italy and all the world

Seasons Greetings from the President of the Accademia Italiana

for the schools of fashion, art and design in Italy and all the world

I would like to send my best wishes to everyone for happy holidays, not only from me, but from the schools of fashion and design that make up the Accademia Italiana.

Ours is an Institute of art and design present in Italy, in Florence and Rome, but today, to celebrate this Christmas season and the New Year, we would like to present ourselves mainly as a school of life and of creativity, where the creativity can be proposed as an elaboration of new thought processes that are translated into serenity and security, which adds up to happiness. It is on this project of happiness that we would like to focus our attention, a useful project for anyone who would like to act in a new and different, and thus creative way, towards life itself.

These are my wishes, for all the schools of fashion and design, of graphic and interior design, of product design, jewelry design and all those instructors and students the world over.
This is our wish: "Hic et Nunc".

Vincenzo Giubba
(President, Accademia Italiana)

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