“Osservazioni sul Paesaggio” photo exhibition
Collective photo exhibition by senior year Photography students

Collective photo exhibition by senior year Photography students
The first collective photo exhibition of the 2022/23 Academic Year has opened: “Osservazioni sul Paesaggio” [tr. “Landscape Observations”].
“Beyond the descriptive and illustrative intentions, photography takes the form of a method for looking at and depicting places [...] not for cataloging or defining them, but for discovering and constructing images that are also new possibilities of perception.”
Luigi Ghirri, Photography: an open sight, 1984
Senior year Photography students challenged themselves with the complexity of landscape narration, both intended as physical places and symbolic entities, capable of awaking introspective paths and mental states. “Osservazioni sul paesaggio” exhibition, which involved 12 students guided by Professor and coordinator Dario Orlandi, is the result of this creative process.
Following the introspective path faced by the students, the observer likewise finds himself facing a true journey along the places and the souls of those who captured them.
From the majestic and ancestral mountains portrayed by Gaia Berchielli and Anna Favero to the urban landscape protagonist in the works of Virginia Victoria Godino, Giulia Casci and Marta Grasso.
Among the pictures we can find a hint of symbolism, such as in the tree fronds of the Gargano, metaphor for the inner world in Bianca Prota’s work, the landscape as dreamlike diary for Maria Cruz Pelaez or the investigation of the delicate relationship man-nature developed by Carolin Bürk.
The exhibition also addresses political, social and environmental subjects with Yamine Madani and Tommaso Marino, illustrating suburbs and industrial districts. Meanwhile Martina Norkunaytem illustrates an elusive city in evolution, Greta Pettarini pushes the concept of landscape to the limit, assembling digital maps to real places creating an original topography.
The exhibition has been set up by the senior year Photography students and curated by Chiara Ruberti, Professor of the course: ‘Culture of the Project’, co-director and coordinator of Photolux Festival in Lucca. The exhibition can be visited daily during the opening hours of the school, in the Spazio Espositivo of Temple Leader Palace, Piazza de’ Pitti 15, Florence.
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Bachelor's Degree in Photography
Three-year undergraduate Bachelor of Arts
Professional Photography Course
Summer Course
Summer course
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