Diplomas awarded for the courses of fashion and design

Wednesday, December 21

Diplomas awarded for the courses of fashion and design

Wednesday, December 21

Wednesday, December 21, in the aula magna at the Accademia Italiana Florence school, final diplomas were awarded to the students successfully completing their studies in fashion and design.
In particular, in front of an audience that included friends and family members of the students, the President of the Accademia Italiana awarded the diplomas of the Accademia while the bachelor's degrees awarded by the University of Wales will arrive to students participating in these programs at the beginning of the new year. Commenting on the event, the President of the Accademia Italiana underlined the importance for a school of design to operate in the direction of developing the creative abilities together with increasing the potential for operative action. We look forward to the beginning of the next semester when the students will be working on the theme "Body and Soul" for the year end events.