Scholarship opportunities

Scholarships and financial aids available

Scholarship opportunities
Scholarship opportunities

Scholarships and financial aids available

Accademia Italiana promotes access to excellence in higher education offering scholarships, promotions and financial aid opportunities to international students enrolling in its:

- Foundation Year (Preparatory course for BA programs)

- Bachelor of Arts (three-year undergraduate degree programs)

- Master of Arts (two-year postgraduate degree programs)

Please contact us to know what options are available for you at the present time. 

Accademia Italiana is an international point of reference in all the fields of creativity. Don’t miss the opportunity to become part of our world of creativity!



Accademia Italiana offers an Early Bird incentive for all students completing their enrollment for the Bachelor's Degree Courses and Master's Degree Courses within dates announced by the Institute.

Contact us for further information on scholarships and Early Bird promotion.


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